¡Type the receiver’s
email address in To (sasikala7@gmail.com)
¡Type the email
address of the others (bpdasun@yahoo.com) who should receive the copies of the
email in Cc (Carbon copy)
¡Type the email
addresses of those who should receive the mail without the awareness of those
receivers typed under To and Cc in Bcc (Blind carbon copy). Those who receive
Bcc copies can view all the receivers of the mail. However, the receivers typed
under To and Cc cannot view the receivers of Bcc copies (monali@sltnet.lk)
¡The person who receives Bcc copy (monali@sltnet.lk), can
see all the e mail addresses (sasikala7@gmail.com) and (bpdasun@yahoo.com) that
this letter sent. Persons under To and Cc (sasikala7@gmail.com) and (bpdasun@yahoo. com) cannot see the
e mail address of Bcc
¡Type the title or relevant subject related to the mail
in Subject. (O/L results released)
¡Attach other file or files which should be sent with the
e mail by clicking the attachment button with the paper clip icon.
¡Send the email by
clicking "Send".